The HEIGHT of the Summer 2013

Sunflower Growing Competition

The measuring of the finalists with ye official measuring sticke took place on Saturday 24th August 2013.

The Winner Announcement was made on Sunday 25th August 2013 at Shakespeare House, Purton.
This was followed by food, drink and live music in the garden. A BIG Thank you to Tony Moseley for providing the great music and supplying the percussion instruments for others to join in. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the drinks and buffet.

A good time was had by all and more money was raised for Beryl's Macmillan Charity.

And the Winner is ....

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Geoff's sunflower measured in at a massive 10’ 9 ¾”

Congratulations Geoff !!


The Finalists

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Terry and Mary Prosser (Lara and Olivia's Grandparents) 10’ 3 ¼”

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Angela Pike (John Shipp's Mum) 10’ 1 1/8”

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Alex Evans 10' 0"

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Jo and John Hayes 9’ 8 ½”

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Jan and Chris Pain 9' 7"

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Geoff Atkinson 9’ 6 ½”

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Best Sunflower Lookalike

Terry 6' something”

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Something decidedly fishy about this one !!

Tony and Iona Moseley 26' something” ?????


Friday 9th August 2013

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Beryl's sunflower

Beryl's poor sunflower had a very slow start! The winds off the Severn weren't very kind to her! She has however got a lovely face! And the bees love her!

We love her stripey windbrake

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Gill Evans sunflower 'Sindy'

Gill says she may not be the biggest but she is beautiful !! Just proving size isn't everything !!

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Terry and Mary Prosser's sunflower

Now 9 foot tall and big flower open. Lara and Olivia will be delighted to see it on their return from Ireland.

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Team Blake's sunflower 'Horace'

He is just under 4ft tall !

Monday 29th July 2013

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Terry and Mary Prosser's sunflower

Height is now 8 foot 8 inches. They have the emerging shape of the large central flower and 7 smaller flowers .

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The Hale sunflowers

One has a big flower and the other has lots of smaller ones

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Jo and John's

In the immortal words of SClub7 their little sunflower has decided to "reach for the stars", and has now outgrown the greenhouse and runner beans!

They are so proud.

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Jane and Tad's sunflower 'Buffet'

Having planted out the little plant he was rudely buffeted by north winds which severely stunted his growth!  As a result he seems to have developed more than one head!!

The red rose to the right is Darcy Bussell who Buffet seems to have taken quite a shine to.     

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Penny and Tom's sunflower

Growing happily in the sunshine!

Friday 12th July 2013

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Ollie's sunflowers at Middleton House

Getting bigger and bigger just like the magic beanstalk. Soon he will be able to climb up to visit the giant's castle.

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Jan and Becky Hadley's sunflowers

Is Becky's is the biggest or is it Jan's. I think we should be told!

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Jo and John's

Having a race with the runner bean.

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A sneaky peak at Linda and Michael's

Taken when they weren't looking on a hot Sunday evening. It has a nice little ribbon!

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Jan Warden's sunflower

The prodigal sunflower .. Jan left it for dead. Rather neglected and slightly eaten but determined to survive despite its owners neglect!

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Alex's sunflower 'Nancy'

Nancy is showing off .. but could she be real. A bit too early for such a big flower perhaps!

Tuesday 25th June 2013

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Jo and John Hayes sunflower

Their baby sunflower has reached a milestone, it now measures 3ft and is thriving nicely behind the greenhouse.

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Andrew and Francis Woodhall's sunflowers

They certainly have a nice big pot!

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Sue and Ian's 'Champagne Charlie'

Still living in the house as he doesn' like the look of the windy weather outside.

Tuesday 11th June 2013

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The Moseleys have a big one!

But is all as it seems?

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Mary Prosser's sunflower

It looks as if it will outgrow its pot fairly soon. Maybe time to subject it to the hazardous outdoor life in the garden.
Sad news from Sarah Summers

Sarah replanted her little sunflower plant outside and unfortunately, somehow, it got twisted and snapped off.

It had a very happy life (albeit a short one) growing next to some tomato plants and it was very well looked after. RIP little one!

Thursday 6th June 2013

John's sunflowers

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John and Kath Hale's sunflowers photographed on Thursday 6th June.

They are enjoying the healthy outdoor lifestyle in the June sunshine and getting stronger by the hour. Looks like they are protected by the gnome guard but one of them has lost his head (maybe he went to IKEA)!

Could they be the ones to watch?

Tuesday 28th May 2013

Sue and Ian's sunflower
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Sue and Ian Leech's sunflower photographed on Monday 27th May.

It's still basking in the warmth of the conservatory and hasn't been exposed to the rigours of outdoor life yet.

Apparently it likes a sip of something fizzy.


Late Developer

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A late developer!

Of the five seeds that didn't germinate in time for the start of the competition we suddenly have a new arrival. It's still only about 5cm tall but a nice strong little plant.

If anyone would like to take it on and nurture it there is still a chance it could go on to be bigger and stronger than it's older siblings.
Contact us at if you would like to have it (£2 donation to the church)
Sunfower 2013

Sunflower Trivia

Species: Helianthus annuus

The tallest sunflower confirmed by Guinness World Records is 8m

When the sunflower is in bud it tracks the movement of the sun across the horizon

Once the flower opens into the radiance of yellow petals, it faces east

Sunday 12th May 2013

All the baby sunflowers have been sold and £100 has been raised for the Purton charities.

There are 48 participants in the growing competition and we look forward to getting your news and pictures.

Saturday 11th May 2013

We had a good turnout at The Purton Flower and History Festival despite the cold and wet weather.





Tips for Growing Sunflowers


Getting Started

Your baby sunflower has been grown in the greenhouse so will need to be hardened off before planting outside.


Planting Location

Sunflowers like a sunny position and preferably not too much wind. Preventing them from falling over is one of the greatest challenges of growing them.



Sunflowers don’t like drying out and they can soon start to wither. Make sure they are well watered; each watering should aim to reach its roots, rather than just touching the surface.



Sunflowers enjoy a rich well fed soil. If going for height, use a nitrogen based fertiliser, switching to potash (tomato food) as the buds begin to appear.